Paddles with an Anas acuta...... unashamedly biased toward the sea kayak of that name (actually the voyages of two boats, one 'traffic over gold', one 'quill')

Sunday, 29 January 2012

January is at an end

Leaving from Southsea -free parking on the sea front at this time of year- our course was almost due South, leaving Horse Sand Fort to Starboard, Horse Elbow Buoy to Port, circling the Warner Buoy, as the CG helicopter circled us and ending up here. A fine view of one of the less sung corners of the Isle of Wight, a short section of rocky coast and usually in shelter, but with a tide that sets strongly, sometimes even violently along the base of White Cliff. The tide was with us all the way so we averaged nearly 5kt.

Our landing amongst the Bembridge ledges, a short walk from the 'Crab and Lobster'.

On the way back the wind died completely leaving an oily calm in mid-channel.

Crossing from the Warner -my favourite buoy with its upright shape and comfortingly friendly groaning whistle- to Horse Elbow in the picture above...

...continuing home, leaving Horse Sands well to port, once again the tide was with us all the way. Sixteen miles in record time and warm enough for a roll or two and a balance brace before landing. Will February bring the frost?

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Whiling away those long winter nights

Out on the water.

Even if the weather does not look so appealing from the hearthside,

it is always good once you are out on the sea.

Or the drier (sometimes) alternative, out on the bike, that's not me below, but I am the first to ride into view. A gentle ride because of the conditions; freezing all day, then thawing as we rode, giving a thin layer of liquid mud over hard frozen ruts and puddles. A lethal combination. Thanks Simon.